The last month has flown by! I gawked when I saw that I had not posted a blog since August, and feel remorseful. What has been going on? Well, the biggest adjustment is certainly the small person developing inside of me. Fatigue seems to be my biggest hurdle I have had yet, and though I am about halfway there, the energy levels do not seem to be returning! Appointments and classes have been going on, which keeps me away from the computer and the studio, but makes for a pleasant reflection on this big change! Everything that has been going on has certainly been teaching me one of life's lessons- don't sweat the small(er) stuff.
I am happy to share that we had our first ultrasound, and the small person is healthy and quite a wonder to watch moving around on a screen!Above is my favorite image of all of the ultrasound images- look at that TINY HAND!
Squared fundraising bottles |
I got back in the studio and have been rampantly making pots for a kiln firing in early October. I have high hopes to fire another kiln in early November, and then that will probably be the extent of making for this year. Anyone with holiday requests better make them ASAP! I also started teaching at Salem College this fall. I am teaching a
course on Gallery and Museum Management, which is an enjoyable
experience to work with engaging students and gain more teaching
experience. It's a lot of work, too!
An exciting upcoming event is the
Alamance County Artisan's Guild Studio Tour. I am participating on the weekend of the 11th and 12th, so you can come out to the farm, see my studio in progress, and We'll also be out at
Rising Meadow's Farm Fest next weekend, Sunday, September 28th from 11-4:00.
I fully intended to post a
whole bunch of things on Etsy, and relist items every day- make my presence a little stronger, and have great pieces available for sale. I got some things listed a little while ago, but everything else went by the wayside.I'm hoping to get back on that soon, so keep your eyes peeled!
Berea College mug I picked up while in Kentucky |
I went to Kentucky at the end of August where I did some research at two archaeological labs and had a great (though fast) weekend visiting with collectors, friends, scholars, and Berea College! There have also been some sad things going on, such as the loss of
Don Carpentier of Eastfield Village.I have a commemorative post in progress and will try to get that up soon.
Sneak peek at the earthenware firing results |
So, my life lesson right now is to try not to stress the smaller things that don't get done. My apologies that this does include blog posting, but I definitely want to update you on the earthenware firing, and some more historic pottery tidbits. I have not abandoned you, dear reader, just bear with me!