My own kiln, recently fired, November 2015 |
It is sort of embarrassing to see the date of when I last made a post! Dear Readers, I thank you for bearing with me. I promise there are some great photos to come, and of course, perhaps a baby update (with photos)!
Freshly-thrown pieces of pottery. |
I have been intermittently making pottery and finally fired my own kiln this past month. Firing my own kiln was an amazing experience just from the standpoint of filling the kiln with all of my own pottery and doing an activity that I so thoroughly enjoy.
Porcelain ornaments in the recent kiln firing. |
I have a show coming up on Sunday, December 6th at the Greensboro Farmers Curb Market. That is always a fun show with great crowds and vendors. Come by for a visit!
Below are some photos I made of pottery I hope to get listed on
Etsy this week. Stay tuned.
One of my conclusions after taking the above photographs was that I like the Farmall tractor as a background. I like the color contrast and the linear features.
Facebook photo from the MESDA Facebook page. Robert Leath installing the Edgefield ceramics section, |
My work at the
Museum of Early Southern Decorative Arts (MESDA) continues, and I moved into a position in the research department. Installation of the William C. and Susan S. Mariner Southern Ceramics Gallery at MESDA was completed about one month ago. When MESDA's director, Robert Leath, said that this is the leading exhibition of historical southern ceramics, he wasn't kidding.
Completed installation and photo of the opening for the new gallery. Facebook photo from the MESDA Facebook page. |
People who attended the opening of the gallery were in tears to see the gallery, and stunned by the breathtaking display of the South through clay. It really is a sight to behold and I am fond of visiting the pots during my work day just to say "hi."
My son, Mattias, testing out the space in a cardboard box. |
My son, who is getting SO BIG, has taken a liking to cardboard boxes, and I foresee him wanting to help with all of my packing for holiday pots! Thanks to all of my readers for sticking with me, and I hope to get back to writing about some more of my research and pottery adventures!