Sunday, February 6, 2011

Getting Stampy

I'm pretty sure "stampy" is not a word, but it sounded good for the topic at hand. I've been dreaming of new stamps (literally) and how to make them. For the first step I got a hold of some type font to suit my needs (it just so happens I know someone who loves type and font!):
Tools of destruction 
Close up of the type
I felt like a preschooler trying to put letters together to form words. Reading the type backward didn't help much, but I think I got the hang of it.
I made several impressions of the same word just in case I end up breaking one of the panels
I tried stamping the letters individually as well as holding the letters all together and pressing it into the clay at once. Holding all of the letters of "STONEWARE" together was a challenge!
At the bottom you can see the difference between impressing the letters individually (left) and together (right)
As you can see at the top right, I had more than enough spelling mishaps! 
I intend to bisque these panels and then make a handled block in order to press into the bisque letters and create a stamp. Then I will have to bisque that before I can use it! What a process!

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