Friday, March 21, 2014

On the Farm and in the Kiln

Some exciting things at the farm include the fact that the sun is shining, it's trying to dry out, the weather is getting warmer, and there are GIRDERS going on the piers for the barn!
 The boards are getting laminated together and then screwed in and nailed.
Equal in excitement is the fact that the spinach direct seeded into our new greenhouse is coming up!

 After the ice set back on Tuesday, I got back in the kiln on Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday and got it halfway loaded.
 It was pretty cold at the farm when these photos were taken on Wednesday. The hard brick in the kiln retain the cold temperature and it feels like loading pots in a frozen tomb!
Above is a photo of the kiln all loaded up. I've got it pretty stuffed, but hope it won't make for a difficult firing.
Then I bricked up the door, making one flat wall on the front.
Finally, I mudded up the door with a mix of refractory clay and sand. I once again forgot to leave a brick free to check the cones in the front. This seems to be my repeat "oops" moment

Mark your calendars, we have set a date for the farm open house and pottery sale at the farm in June! Sunday, June 15th from 11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

1 comment:

TarheelBiodieseler said...

I think I see some charcoal in the soil around those seedlings! That's exciting too!